Repair of hydraulic systems, pumps, power plants and spare parts for industrial equipment, fishing vessels, special equipment
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About company

The company "ZELIONAYA DUBRAVUSHKA" welcomes you!

We are a young, developing team of specialists with more than 20 years of experience in the repair and maintenance of industrial equipment, fishing fleets, special machinery, pumps, and

You are our partners, customers, who create a variety of business lines and charge their teams with success, financial independence, usefulness, productivity, prosperity and stability.

We crave the same thing: that your equipment serves for years and does not fail at the most crucial moment.

We know how to achieve this goal.

Timely maintenance, scheduled preventive maintenance, replacement of technical fluids and worn out spare parts will extend the service life and eliminate long downtime.

Do you need major repairs? Preventive? Maintenance? Replacement of spare parts, equipment, modernization? We are ready to help you cope with all these tasks.

Whatever form of cooperation you choose, we are an open company with transparent schemes of work.

You will pay only the cost of the ordered work. We officially guarantee that "unforeseen" expense items, "inconsistent" additional expenses or additional standard hours will not arise in the process of work.

If you decide to order our team to solve problems with repair, service or the supply of spare parts, you will receive quality, warranty, and the longevity of your equipment and / or equipment only.

Have questions or  you're ready to place an order?

You can use the on-line order form on the website or call: 8 (800) 550-54-39.

We repair any hydraulic systems with a 30% discount
The discount is valid until the end of the year 2021

Do not miss the best offer. The discount will last until the end of 2021.


Have a questions?
Write or call us!
You can get more detailed information by filling out the form, or by phone: